I found this picture of the Chrysler Building at Kirkland's for $10! I little piece of NYC.
This is somewhat of a collage of the places I've had the pleasure of traveling to (except for Paris).
My Laughs, My Loves, My Life...
Posted by RunningMad at 7:07 AM 3 comments
Posted by RunningMad at 7:30 AM 3 comments
Last night on my way home from Oklahoma City, I discovered that my heater wasn't working. Not good, especially when it's 32 degrees outside and working it's way down.
In order to stay warm, my mother and I kept the conversation flowing with several random topics. I'm pretty talented when it comes to randomness, so we had no issues there.
I also have theories, theories about pretty much anything. Again, very random theories, I must say, but they keep me going and also laughing (which is my favorite thing to do). Nothing serious though. I'm lighthearted about it all.
So, my mother and I were discussing the Marilyn Monroe theory. Most are familiar with this topic, but I believe there's more to the story than just an overdose. I'm not going to get into the details, but no one can prove them. Yet, that's why they're theories; they're just ideas. I'm a person that thinks about things too seriously and should often be ignored. However, it's something I enjoy and also something my family and friends have to put up with. (I'm sorry).
Here's one of my theories: I believe that there's a lot more that goes on with rich and famous than we actually know. We just think we know every little detail about their lives, but we don't (at least for some). They have enough money to keep certain things hidden from the public. If it's important for them to keep it quiet, they can do it.
Granted, I know it was a lot easier to keep things on the down-low 50-60 years ago, but take Clark Gable for example. He was supposedly in an accident due to excessive drinking. From different reports there was a pedestrian involved, yet again, this cannot be proved.
Either way (hit-and-run or no hit-and-run), MGM's punishment for his behavior was lending him to Columbia Pictures to do this low-budget film called "It Happened One Night". This movie won him an Oscar and four other Oscars including Best Actress and Best Picture.
It is also best known for being the first film to show a man's bare chest.
Now as you can see, these people had the means to keep this all hush-hush. Case closed.
Adding to the topic, I told my mother how I wondered what other celebrities had possibly been involved in certain criminal activities. Who technically killed whom? Who really shot whom? Who bumped off whom?
I mean, you can't deny me the fact that Puff Daddy (Puff Diddy, P. Diddy - whatever) has puffed a few people off. I have a whole other theory about how he even achieved his name, but I won't post it here. I could get myself in trouble. Just ask me sometime. It's pretty ridiculous though.
I'm going to end my post there. I really don't know if there is a point to this blog, other than the fact that I enjoy thinking and discussing things whether it is ridiculous or something deeper. I often find my self sitting on my bed and thinking about whatever - like I just escaped some other world. People my consider it daydreaming, but I consider it lost in thought.
Posted by RunningMad at 6:55 AM 2 comments
I'm not a crier. And I have nothing against criers, since I used to be one. But now, it takes something with personal meaning or significance for the tears to flow. The initiators of such happenings are (in general) People, Movies, and Books.
Now, there's one very important substance I did not mention: MUSIC.
Music plays a monumental part in my life. I have this crazed passion for melodies, and sadly I'm just beginning to learn how to play them myself. (I have a few friends teaching me the guitar. I'm very excited!) I've always considered music has one of God's greatest gifts to mankind, and it's definitely one of the paths I often choose to draw closer to Him. I just can't express how much music moves me, speaks to me, and comforts me.
With that said, this is what I'm really getting at here:
I've never cried just because of a song. A song can be so powerful it causes to ache or to contemplate things, but never to cry. However, if I begin to ponder about anything, whether it be my family or friends, a certain incident, or just life itself; then I will surely cry. But, the fact is, it's not the song itself; it's the thoughts that the song has directed me towards. Yet, I have been at church ,during praise and worship, and cried; but that's still due to the fact I was going through some of the toughest times in my life. Those thoughts and feelings coming to me about the situation I found my life in, were the true reason for my tears.
Posted by RunningMad at 1:56 PM 3 comments
I love Books! Sometimes my love for books is more powerful than my love for reading. I can stay in Barnes and Noble for hours and hours. Drinking a cup of coffee, thumbing through the pages of history, fantasy, thrillers; what more can I ask for? The only problem is the longer I spend in book stores the longer my "must read" list becomes, and then my bank account starts shedding some weight. Not good. Stick the the library, Reagan! STICK TO THE LIBRARY!
One thing I have discovered, is that I used to hate paperback books, but only for the fact that they deteriorate a lot sooner than hardbacks. My opinion has reversed in the recent years, because I can pretty much guarantee you I have a book everywhere I go. I usually carry this huge satchel, and you can bet there's a book in there. I used to not be this way. Ok, now back to why I now prefer paperbacks to hardbacks.
#1. Hardcovers are bulkier. There's certain ones I can't just throw in my bag and go. If I did, I would knocking everyone over with my humongous satchel. WHAM!!!! Oops! There goes grandma! WHAM!!! Oops! My sister just went through wall.
#2 After I'm finished reading a page, I flip it to the other side and crease the middle of the book. I love to grasp a softback and bend the pages to the shape of my hand has I'm reading. The book is curled a bit after I'm finished - like a taco. (Yummm!) You obviously can't do this with a hardback.
#3 I don't care if I get coffee stains on the pages or if I write in it or if there's smudges. Why? Because this book just cost me 5 bucks when that hardcover over there just cost me 30!
Don't get me wrong. I love hardbacks! Nothing looks better on your trophy shelf. That's how I feel when I've finished a book. I close it. I hold it out in front of me. I sigh a sigh of accomplishment. And I then I take a victory lap around my room; screaming to the top of my lungs. Once you've placed your trophy on the shelf, you're a winner. Nothing says it more like a hardback. The paperbacks just end up falling over. I don't know about you, but it gives me a sense of cheapness. It's like that trophy I got when I was in T-Ball. I didn't have it 5 MINUTES and the bat broke! What the heck!?!?!
So there it is. Hardcovers VS Paperbacks - In Reagan's Perspective.
Posted by RunningMad at 11:39 AM 4 comments
I just had another absolutely confusing conversation with my sister about Heroes Volume 3.
But let me back up here a bit. I've watched seasons (aka volumes) 1 and 2. I really enjoyed them, but like many other shows (for example 24, Lost, and so on), if I miss one episode, I feel as if I've missed the whole thing. This may not be the case for some people, but I like to be able to watch 30 minutes to an hour and that be it (for example, Seinfeld, The Office and 30 Rock). Yet, I love the excitement and thrills these shows offer, but I do have issues with the rest.
My addiction to Heroes was also due to the fact that it's so much like X-Men. I love X-Men! I never actually read the comic books, but I loved the cartoon as a kid. I love that they have all these crazy different amazing powers. One can control the weather, one can freeze things, one can heal! I'm enamored by the whole idea of it. As a kid I would imagine I was Jubilee or Storm and Wolverine was my boyfriend, of course.
With that said - I've only seen 2 episodes of this latest season. I've been telling all my friends and family not to tell me anything. I don't want to know because I want to watch and experience the show for myself. One of my friends said that he quit watching it because everyone just miraculously kept coming back to life. But I ignored him because I liked the show and wanted to find out for myself. So, again I told everyone not to tell me ANYTHING.
Then... here comes my sister. I will do anything for her and she knows this. She looks at me with her gorgeous eyes, and she's begging me without a word to let her spill the beans.
"Fine, Lindsay! Just tell me! What's happening in the show...."
She claps her hands together in utter excitement: "Well!!!! The future Peter..." - she begins. "The future Peter has placed the present Peter in the future."
I ask, "Wait! Wasn't the present Peter in someone else's body?"
"Yes, but he's out now."
"Uhhhh... I don't know, but that doesn't matter. But Claire shot Peter!"
"The future Peter or the present Peter?"
"The future Peter."
"So the present Claire shot the future Peter?"
"No! The future Claire shot the future Peter."
"So where's the present Peter?"
"In the future. And the future Peter is dead."
"So she shot him in the head. Because he can only die if she shoots him in the head."
"No she didn't! That's the crazy thing! She shot him in the abdomen and now he's dead! Isn't that crazy!"
"Then he's not dead."
"The bullet is just stuck in him. If they take it out, he will comeback to life."
"You're right!"
She continues on to another character...
"So Peter and Nathan's dad is still alive! He didn't die!"
"What? "
"Yeah! And he grabbed Adam Monroe's arm and took all of his powers. Adam then fell to ashes.
So HE's dead now."
"No, he's not."
"He's not!?!?!"
"No. It won't be long before he's back."
"No, he fell to ashes. I'm pretty sure he's gone for good."
"Only time will tell."
We then ended the conversation on Peter Petrelli and Parker the police officer, and then Mohinder turning into some kind of Spider-Man monster. Seeing a connection?
My mom then told us about an article she read, telling of certain shows "Jumping the Shark".
She said that towards the end of Happy Days, they had an episode where Fonzie was water skiing, and he actually jumped a shark. So now, when a show starts to go off the deep end and becomes ridiculous, they call it "Jumping the Shark". Heroes was rated the number one show of this season to do so. Everyone is miraculously coming back to life (just like my friend said), good people are becoming bad, villains becoming heroes, and so on.
I've decided that I'm no longer interested. I think I'll stick to my ridiculous comedies. Long live Chandler Bing, George Costanza, Liz Lemon, Jim Halpert, and Andy Sandberg.
Posted by RunningMad at 9:46 PM 1 comments
First of all, I have to prep you on a little story before I can tell the one that I've actually come to tell.
It was the night of my sister's rehearsal, and I had stopped at this quaint bed and breakfast where my family was staying for the weekend to pick them up and take them to the rehearsal dinner. My aunt introduced me to John, who ran the bed and breakfast. She also informed him of that bright neon light flashing above my head that read, "SINGLE! SINGLE!".
John is probably about 5 ft 7 1/2 in, looks like he's probably in his late 20's, and is a little on the creepy side.
He's also an aspiring photographer, and I happen to have interest in the subject, so we visited for a while about cameras and so on and so forth. However, as we were about to leave he just had to show us this video he constructed of one of his photo shoots.
The music was horrible. Now, I know I'm a music freak, but even my cousin was making fun of this horribly corny music under her breath.
Finally! We're heading out the door and he tells me that he would love for me to join him and his friends for evening. They were going to go see Madagascar 2 but understood that I couldn't since it was my sister's rehearsal dinner and all. I politely thanked him for the offer, but there was no way I was going anywhere with this guy.
So, the whole night my family teased and teased me about my boy, John.
"I'm sure John would love to be here!"
"Reagan, when you go out with him, make sure you where flats. You don't want to hurt his feelings."
"John" this. "John" that.
"What a cute video John made!"
And then....
My little 13-year-old cousin Austin decides to pipe in:
"Yeah, I'm sure John would LOVE to make a video of you!"
Awkward pause....
Jodie his father laid his hand on Austin's shoulder then looked at me and said, "He doesn't know what he's saying, Reagan. He doesn't know what he's saying."
I, of course, began to laugh so hard I was crying. I thought my brother was going to fall to the ground. Austin was completely oblivious to what he had just said.
However, I'm thankful that he was. Innocence is something very special and irreplaceable.
Posted by RunningMad at 3:04 PM 2 comments
So, my friend just posted a picture of herself dressed in a woopie cushion costume. Hilarious photo. It reminded me of this random kid in Hastings I had the pleasure of interacting with.
I was walking down the movie aisles, talking to this guy I had somewhat of a crush on. The kid would come out of nowhere with his woopie cushion! I would signal to him to cut it out or get lost, but he would repeatedly just run off and then come right back. Utterly embarrassed, I abruptly told my crush I had to get off the phone, and I would call him back later. As soon has I closed my phone, the kid took off never to be seen again.
I secretly envy that child for his cleverness and bravery. What kid would do that to some random stranger!?!? Wow...
Posted by RunningMad at 8:32 PM 2 comments
Ok, it's official!
I'm ready for Christmas!
With Lindsay's wedding coming up, I haven't had time to be ready for anything. Not even Thanksgiving! People have been asking me what my plans are for the holidays, and I honestly have no idea.
The other day, I was meeting up with my step mother and sister-in-law at the mall. They said they would meet me in Bath and Body Works. So, has a strolled the lanes of the great Quail Springs Mall, I happened upon our meeting destination. I couldn't believe my eyes! The whole store was decorated in CHRISTMAS! The sound of Dean Martin singing Silver Bells and the scents of their magical Christmas candles (that's right! MAGICAL!) left me breathless. I know I'm sounding utterly ridiculous here, but I love Christmas time. This was an escape from the busy bustle of the constant mall-goers, to a place I like to call the North Pole.
Ahhhh! And Christmas music!!!! Can you get anymore cheerful!?!?! Instant happiness coming forth through whatever device you might be listening from: You're iPod, zune, radio, and so on. You get the picture.
Oh AND! My mother and I are taking a trip to Branson, Missouri during the first weekend in December. I can't wait to see the Christmas shows. Everyone tells me it's an amazing experience to go there during Christmas time. I'm sooooo excited! The picture above is actually of Branson. "Amazing" in my opinion.
Posted by RunningMad at 12:40 PM 2 comments
I'm going to be honest here; I'm a total romantic.
I'm also a complete freak when it comes to music and with my sister getting married, I've been having to listening to so many songs in preparation for her wedding.
Some of my favorites and what I consider some of the most romantic songs ever are as follows - no particular order and probably super-duper cliche, but whatever:
Sundress: Ben Kweller
Shiver: Coldplay
Yellow: Coldplay
Til Kingdom Come: Coldplay
Fix You: Coldplay
Remember to Breathe: Dashboard Confessional
Such Great Heights: The Postal Service
All I Need: Radiohead
New Day: Robbie Seay Band
Closer: Travis
Under the Moonlight: Travis
Your Song: Elton John
The Book of Love: Peter Gabriel
Transatlanticism: Death Cab for Cutie
I know some of these my not be solely about loving someone and them loving back - and blah, blah, blah - but there's moments in each one that the lyrics grasp my attention and cause me to sigh a deep sigh or just feel that feeling in the pit of your stomach. Yes, I'm a dork. But ask any girl - we all feel it.
Now... I could probably go on and on with more songs.... but I'm going to stop there. This is my personal list, and if I had more time to think there would probably be more. I actually have no idea why I'm writing this, I guess I've just been listening to a lot of Coldplay recently, and in my opinion they pretty much rule when it comes to being romantic.
Posted by RunningMad at 8:46 AM 3 comments
Random conversation at work:
Me: So, Mom. I heard from the mechanic, and it's the alternator. They'll hopefully have....
~Melissa, my coworker, walks up behind me~
Mel: Reagan, when I walk up, You stop talking. Do you understand?
Me: When I walk up, You shut up! (Nice comeback, right? Said just like Napoleon too.)
Mom: So Melissa, did you fix that issue? (Totally ignoring the conversation we were having that Mel just interrupted.)
Mel: Yes.
Mom: What did you do? How did you do it?
Mel: I voted.
Me: What?
Mom: So, you just turned it back on?
Mel: Yeah.
Me: Wow...
That was the conversation word for word, except for what's in parenthesis. Those are just my thoughts. I was utterly confused and impressed at the same time.
Posted by RunningMad at 11:08 AM 3 comments
Ok, so there's been several events leading up to yesterday's work of art.
I will begin with a little reminder of a few happenings that a few of you who know me may have already heard.
Not too long ago, I walked into the lady's restroom - obviously, to do my thing - and I opened the door to the stall and the seat was up. Now... usually you can tell if this occurrence is the result of a fresh cleaning. However, this was not the case. At first out of shock, I jump back then scope the room to make sure I'm in the right place. I conclude that I am, but usually resume my business in a different stall.
This incident has happened to me several times since then. Odd...
Another bathroom bewilderment happened while at TGIF's (aka Friday's). I went to the women's restroom and while I was in the first stall, I hear someone walk in. This person (hopefully a "she") went straight to the back stall, threw the door open, and then proceeded to do the same to the next stall and then the next stall. I could hear her coming closer and closer. She finally arrived at mine and jiggled the handle.
I believe I responded with something like, "Ummmm....."
And then an arm shot from underneath the door! She had a roll of toilet paper in her hand, set it at my feet, and then walked out of the restroom altogether. Again, odd...
So my theory is all these things have been happening as warning signs of a day that lay ahead, a day of absolute bathroom horror. This very day will go down in the books, my friends.
October 22, 2008.
I went to
I spot the women's sign and head straight for the first stall I saw. Unknowingly, I picked a stall with a broken lock. I didn't pay much attention because obviously my thoughts were otherwise preoccupied. Someone walks in, and of course, goes straight for my stall and opens the door leaving me exposed. I don't scream; I usually make this high-pitched "whoop" sound. After I did so, she shut the door and apologized. Awkwardly, I apologize also for not realizing the door was possibly cracked open. Then I just wanted to burst out laughing. I restrained myself and did my best to get the heck out of the bathroom. I then prayed I wouldn't see that woman at the seminar I was going to. God heard me, because I never saw her again.
Same day.....
I drank too much water during the seminar and also at lunch. So again, I've gotta go. I chose a different bathroom altogether. I didn't want what happened a few hours earlier to happen again. I did my thing and flushed the toilet. The toilet flushed like normal, but instead of filling back up with water, it EXPLODED. Water gushed from places I didn't know was possible. Yes... toilet bowl water was all over me and the floor. It just kept coming. I wished I could have had a shower right then and there.
I was banned from drinking any kind of liquids until we arrived back at the office.
This day was to prove that both God and I have a sense of humor.
Posted by RunningMad at 6:36 AM 7 comments
On our last morning in NYC, my mother and I were explored Rockefeller Center. After "The Today Show" we went to the Top of the Rock and then walked around the block looking for Atlas. I couldn't remember exactly where Atlas was located, but I knew it was somewhere in Rockefeller Center. Everyone knows that. Or at least I thought. I asked about three or four people around the area one being a security guard,
"Excuse me, but could you tell me where the Atlas statue is?"
His response, "Nope." He wouldn't even look at me.
I had another lady tell me she had no idea what I was talking about even when I described the statue to her.
So I decided to walk into some clothing store on 5th Ave and 49th Street and ask again. (Keep in mind, I've been strolling down 5th Ave between 51st and 49th Streets this whole time. Ok?)
"I'm sorry, but would you happen to know where the Atlas statue is?"
With a expression of utter confusion, the lady looked at me and said, "The what?"
"Atlas. You know, the man holding the globe on his shoulders."
Still confused she said, "Ummm.... I don't... no, I don't don't know about that. You might want to ask her." pointing to a coworker. "Hey, Amanda, do you know where - Atlas? Right?" Looking at me and then turning back to her coworker. "Yeah... do you know where the Atlas statue is?"
"Of course!" Amanda said. "That big statue?!! Yeah! It's way, way, way down 39th Street. Almost to the end. Way down there." Amanda overly chipper today, just so you know.
"So... way down 39th Street?" I said. This seemed way, way, way too far from Rockefeller Center. "I'll just continue down 5th until I get to 39th?"
"Yeah! It's way, way, way down 49th!"
"Ok, so I'll go to the end of 49th."
"Yeah, go way down 59th!"
"So, it's on 59th? Not 49th."
"Yeah! Way, way, way down 59th. You can't miss it. It's all the way at the end."
"Ok, well, I'll try that. Thank you for your help."
"No problem! Have a wonderful day!"
I walked out to the sidewalk where my mother was waiting.
"So," she said, "where did they say it was? You were in there long enough."
I began telling her about the conversation I just had with Crazy Amanda. We both agreed to find someone else. Then I realized... this whole time I had my booklet with me with all the sites to see in NYC. I could have kicked myself.
Finally! Atlas was located just up the street in between 50th and 51st. The reason we didn't see it before was because they had it covered for cleaning. The box it was in blended perfectly with the other buildings, so if you just walked by it on the street you wouldn't know it was there. Pretty ridiculous, I know.... but then so was Amanda.
Posted by RunningMad at 6:13 AM 1 comments
Last night I had the pleasure of spending time with friends (new and old) in Ada, Oklahoma, USA, the World.
I have been so blessed to meet every single one of them, and they have been such a testimony to me.
A message was shared during our visit about keeping faith even during difficult times. When God allows these things to happen, and we keep the faith and hope alive, the ending result will be good. We will be blessed.
Recently many spiritual and physical trials have come against my family and me. I can feel myself becoming bitter, which pulls me farther away from God.
God has been so merciful and patient with me. Why is it that I choose to lose hope when He has been so faithful and has proven Himself over and over again?
I want to choose life. I want to fight the good fight. I want to finish the course. I want to keep the faith through each moment of hardship. I constantly cry out for peace and strength to keep me standing during temptations, testings and trials. I know if I walk in His endurance and strength that there will be a good outcome. I don't always recognize it immediately, but there have been so many times where I've looked back later down the road and have seen the work He did in my life and finally understand why.
This has definitely been one of the reasons I've been listening to Robbie Seay Band so much lately. There's at least one song (if not more) on each of his albums that is constantly reminding us (or at least me) of faith, hope and love.
My faves:
Better Days - Better Days Album
Jesus Garden of My Rest - Better Days
Peace - (This on the Better Days, but I prefer the version on 10,000 Charms)
Song of Hope - Give Yourself Away
New Day - Give Yourself Away (This is my ultimate fave!)
Love Wins - Give Yourself Away
You are Good - 10,000 Charms
Hope - 10,000 Charms
There are so many more songs of his that are wonderful, but these truly speak to me in times I feel myself losing faith, hope and the greatest of all... Love.
Posted by RunningMad at 6:13 AM 2 comments
Everyone is familiar with Exodus 20:7 - "You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain." - NKJV
And of course, it's one of the Ten Commandments.
When I do my bible studies, I usually look up the simple definitions and synonyms of the words used in the verse.
This scripture, for most, has always meant something on the lines of - "Thou shall not swear or curse." When I was a kid I never understood where people came up with this translation. But then I read another translation of the verse that said, "You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God." - and using God, Christ and Jesus as swear words are most definitely misusing Christ's name.
I know several years ago, our pastor or one of the elders or just someone (I really can't remember) brought to my attention that this may have a different meaning. I remember doing my own bible study on it not long after that discussion and was just reminded of it recently.
First: Take - to hold, grasp, or grip, to receive and accept willingly, to carry, to occupy, to adopt...
Second: Vain - ineffectual or unsuccessful; futile; without real significance, value, or importance; baseless or worthless, useless...
While I was studying this, I began thinking of a bride taking the name of the groom. For example, my sister is about to marry, Shay Hayes. She will no longer be Lindsay Faught. She is taking his name as her own, because they will now become one. Lindsay Hayes.
Everyday, we take on the name of Christ. How? It's simple - by calling ourselves "Christians." We are taking the name of our Father as our own.
Now... here comes the Vain part. When we walk in unrighteousness, we are walking in worthlessness. By calling ourselves sons and daughters of God, but treat His name as if it were nothing, He will not hold us guiltless.
What comes to mind now is that a covenant is made between the bride and groom to love, honor and obey. When a person in this kind of covenant turns to another outside of this covenant - to me, this is counting the unity and bond that was made, vain - worthless, futile, without importance.
So as we make a covenant with God, saying that we will love, honor, and obey - yet we turn to another (sin), that is counting the covenant we have made with Christ as nothing.
I don't know if this makes sense to anyone, but it does to me. It just shows me how important it is to take on the name of our Father, and how we need to strive to be just like Jesus - perfect and holy. I know we're going to make mistakes, but that's where God's love and forgiveness comes in, and we can be washed clean and began again. We need to consider the covenant we have made with God as of the greatest importance. No one wants to be in a one-sided relationship. So how do you think God feels?
Posted by RunningMad at 11:13 AM 5 comments
I was at my Dad's house this past weekend, and we all were enjoying a nice cup of java on the back patio. The dogs began to bark and chase after what we thought was a squirrel at first, and then realized was a rabbit. My sister, being the animal's rights activist that she is, jumped out of her chair, chased the dogs with her arms waving in the air, and yelling, "Save the Bunny! Safe the Bunny!" When suddenly....
She bit the dust.
This is a vision I cannot get out of my head.
Don't worry everyone, she was laughing the moment she kissed the concrete. She is alive and well. I love that girl.
Posted by RunningMad at 9:20 PM 3 comments
So does anyone remember Celine Dion's video to "It's All Coming Back to Me Now"?
I do. You want to know why? Because a particular family member loved that song. No - it wasn't my mother. Nope - not my sister. Oh yeah... It was my brother.
Every time the video was played on MTV, we would have to stop whatever we were doing and watch. Later the video of "Because You Loved Me" came out, and Celine was sporting a new and
much shorter hairstyle. Taylor would comment on how he liked her hair longer: "She looks like a mouse now!"
Posted by RunningMad at 9:50 AM 3 comments
Today is my sister's 25 birthday. I'm so thankful to be blessed with such a beautiful person in my life, inside and out. I'm not just saying this because she is my sister, and I believe anyone who knows her would vouch for me when I say - she is a truly special person.
For the most part of my life, Lindsay's practically been a second mother to me. She's always been a shoulder of support in very way conceivable. I can't imagine life without her humor, her charm, her patience, her kindness, and most of all her love.
When we were younger, I hated the fact that she told me what to do all the time and was always
the leader in everything. "You're not my mother!", I would tell her. Looking back now, I wish I could knock some sense in that little punk of a kid. She was trying to protect me. Protect me from my own stupid selfishness which would eventually lead to heartache. Out of hope and love she's paved that rocky road smooth, just for me.I want her to know I love and appreciate all her lectures and "talks," because I know she was helping me become a better person.
She is apart of me: My Mentor, My Confidant, My Sister, My Friend.
With all my heart, Lindsay Lu, I will love you until the day I die. -Your Ragie Baby.
Posted by RunningMad at 7:51 AM 3 comments
Reagan, those shoes look like Little Red Robin Hood's!
I believe you're thinking of Dorothy from the Wizard of OZ. And it's "Little Red Riding Hood" not "Little Red Robin Hood."
Me: Let's see Little Red Riding Hood kick butt with the bow and arrow! Woo-hoo!
Posted by RunningMad at 2:22 PM 3 comments
My mother and I were at a friend's house dropping off a gift or what not. As we were saying hello, their telephone began ringing. Problem was, the phone was cordless and most likely hidden between the cushions of their couch. As it rang she and her husband searched and searched throughout the house and... finally... they found the phone but it was too late. The caller had disconnected before they had time to answer the phone.
(Now, for a little low-down on this couple, although very sweet - I have yet to find life of a sense of humor in either one of them.)
She huffed and he shook his head with great disappointment as they gazed upon that burdensome phone. My mother, trying to lighten the situation, said - "You know, someday they're going to invent a phone attached to the wall. Then you won't have to break a sweat every time you have to answer the phone."
Knowing that my mother was making a joke, I began to giggling as did she. Our friends, on the other hand, stared at Mom as if she was an absolute idiot. I couldn't believe they actually took her literally! The room became awkwardly silent, except for my attempts to hold back a laugh.
Mom turned to me and said, "Well! I guess it's time to go!"
We said our goodbyes and bolted to the car before they could hear us laugh even harder.
I'm so thankful to be in a family that can laugh at themselves under any circumstance.
Here's some of my favorite awkward moments in life... Although most are not my own, I just want to point them out.
Posted by RunningMad at 2:36 PM 6 comments
My father used to have this '93 Cadillac DeVille that he just thought was the greatest boat - Excuse me! I mean Car, there ever was. We (my brother, my sister and I) were barely allowed to even eat in the caddy let alone drink, sneeze, cough, or breathe in it's presence. Now that I'm older, I somewhat understand him not wanting an 8-year-old eating french fries with ketchup in his beloved car. A few weeks ago, my nephew spilled a snow cone in my own backseat, and I was reminded of my father. However, snow cones would have never been an option with him. Smart.
But what really reminded me of the good ol' caddy days was Dad's famous words, "Can you slam the door any harder!?!"
We were used to "Junkers" - (translation: automobiles usually worth 10, maybe 20 cents). If you didn't slam your door, your body would most likely be thrown from the vehicle just as soon as the door flew open as you were sailing down the highway.
One afternoon, when Dad was taking Taylor, Lindsay, and I to Wherever, America; we hopped in the car, shut the doors, and here it came:
"Can you slam the doors any harder!?! My goodness!"
Each one of us reopened our doors and simultaneously slammed the them shut with all our might!
Neither Taylor, Lindsay, nor I knew that each of us was going to do the exact same thing at the exact same time. Our eyes were filled with shock! We couldn't believe that actually happened! Of course, we all began laughing so hard we were in the floorboard, except for Dad. He just stared at us, fiercely trying not to smile; therefore, he managed to pull off this awkward expression of deep disappointment, which made us laugh even more.
Posted by RunningMad at 9:01 AM 2 comments
Can you imagine being named "Talula Does The Hula From Hawaii"? Yes, this is true. A nine-year-old girl from New Zealand was named this by her weirdo parents.
Click here to read the full story.
I am not against unique names. My life revolves around being creative, and I applaud those who think outside of the box. But... naming your child "Fish and Chips" is stepping outside of one box and jumping into another. This is the box of "INSANITY".
Now, I don't mean to judge harshly; I just feel sorry for the poor kids. They're too embarrassed to even tell their friends their own name. And I'm not talking about people like my dad. He goes by his middle name not just because of a family tradition, but also because he hates his first name - Howard. This is not a horrible name though, maybe just a little out dated.
Like I said before, I like different and unique names, even to the point where my family thinks I'm weird. For instance, I don't think Talula is horrible. Actually, I really like it.
Let's also examine the name Apple. I didn't think that Gwyneth Paltrow and her husband Chris Martin were insane for choosing such a name (and I'm not saying this just because I'm a huge Coldplay fan!). It's not a name I would probably use but it's their life, and I really don't think Apple is ever going to be picked on - no pun intended (especially with having a superstar mother and a rock star father. Think about it).
Basically what I'm saying here... is be creative not cruel and stupid.
Posted by RunningMad at 9:46 AM 5 comments
My sister Lindsay stayed with my grandparents for the summer after she graduated high
At dinner time, we always hold each others hands, bow our heads, and Big Daddy (my grandfather) prays. Lindsay was sitting next to him one evening and laid out her hand for him to take, but he never did. As he prayed, Lindsay opened her eyes and saw he had his hand around the spoon in the jelly jar.
She did her best contain her laughter until the prayer was over and then asked, "Big Daddy. Did you realize you were holding the spoon in the jelly jar rather than my hand?"
Big Daddy's response: "I thought your hand was cold!"
Posted by RunningMad at 12:44 PM 1 comments
Posted by RunningMad at 10:11 AM 7 comments